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马克的拳击手, OFS Technical Manager, reveals what makes Rollable丝带 so special. To form these ribbons, fibers are partially bonded to each other at intermittent points. This design not only enables mass fusion ribbon splicing but allows for easier individual fiber breakout than flat ribbons. The preferential bending plane of the rollable丝带 facilitates rolling 和 routing in smaller closures 和 splice trays, 类似于单个纤维.

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Hi. 我是OFS的马克·鲍克瑟. Today I’d like to talk about Rollable丝带 和 if you haven’t seen it before, 就是这些东西, 这很简洁. It collapses upon itself when it’s rolled into a tight cylinder so you can kind of collapse it.

And then you can also easily separate it out to pull out an individual fiber. 那么,我就这么做,再靠近一点. So you can see that 和 then it just snaps back into place so you can slice it again. 所以,它像缎带一样拼接. 它可以很卷, 非常严格, providing the ability of tight fiber density in a very, 非常小的包装.

所以,你把它和平坦的丝带比较. This is a flat ribbon 和 so t在这里 is no t在这里 is no moving of this or no rolling this without breaking the ribbon. So why this is important really comes back to geometry. So, this is an 864 fiber central to flat ribbon cable. So, 如果你仔细看, you can see that t在这里 is a lot of space in between the flat ribbons 和 the tube.

And that’s because we’ve got ribbons that are fundamentally rectangles. 电缆基本上是一个圆. When you have a circle 和 a rectangle, then it those don’t fit that efficiently. If you look at a rollable version of this cable with 864 fibers, you can see 在这里 t在这里’s not very much space between the fibers 和 the tube.

And let me go ahead 和 put both of these side by side. 你可以看到这是864号平缎带. 这是可卷的864. Now t在这里’s a significant difference in size between the two.

Rollable丝带 was dreamed up in Japan back in the 2000’s 和 went through a development path that was actually similar to the SC Connector that happened in the early 1990s.

And what I mean by that is that NTT in Japan farmed out the concept to various companies who ultimately brought it to market. For the case of Rollable丝带 OFS parent company, Furukawa was one of those companies that introduced Rollable丝带 和 so we brought it back to brought it to market during the middle part of the 2010’s.

所以Rollable丝带有很多好处. 你知道, 我们在很多不同的环境中都看到过, 和 I call this the buffet of benefits using Rollable丝带. 它是小的. The ribbons themselves are very small so they can be rolled. That means that cables can be much smaller 和 lighter for a given size.

That can gives the ability to fit more fiber into smaller ducts. It can mean smaller h和 holds more cable on a real for longer lengths or fewer slice points. And then for aerial installations also since everything’s smaller, 也减轻了杆上的重量, 形成的冰更少了. 一般来说,越小越容易. Some customers like it because it can be placed in thinner slice trays enabling more trays 和 a closure or a smaller closure for a given fiber count.

All of these cables are gel free, so they’re easier to prepare for slicing. 当然,这些是缎带. 所以一次可以有12个大质量的融合. The initial installations were primarily used to connect data centers together because data centers use very high fiber count cables, 你知道, 想想1728年, 3456s.

But what I’m really excited about is the concept of using rollable丝带 in lower fiber count networks. Including fiber to the home, backbone, 和 distribution networks. 对于这些应用程序, 我们通常使用, lose tube cables in the past because it’s easier to pull out an individual fiber to connect a subscriber. But now with Rollable丝带, it’s easier to pick out an individual fiber versus a loose tube. The ribbons or clearly marked, the fiber color is always going to be in the same place. 你只要挑出你需要的东西.

So now the cables can be smaller, they can be easier to work with in the field. If you compare these so these 288 fiber count cables. 首先是一个松动的管子. 它实际上相当大. 这是一条平坦的带状电缆288.

So now look at the rollable – 和 so we’ve got a couple of different versions of this but actually the larger rollable you can see that even the larger rollable is much smaller than either the loose tube or the flat ribbon.

所有这些电缆都是GR20级. 所以你有同样的崎岖, 粉碎, 影响, 和 tinsel performance that we’ve come to rely on for decades. So give Rollable丝带 some thoughts for your network. Now you can get the benefits of ribbon slicing when you can use it. 或者单光纤接入. You can do either one, whenever or w在这里 ever you need to.

它可以起到丝带的作用. It can also act as a single fiber giving you a lot of freedom to use either platform in a much smaller package.

所以总的来说, we think we’re going to see a lot more customers move towards Rollable丝带 in their fiber to the home distribution networks. 现在和未来.


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